Jun 27, 2020 All Articles - Fusion

Becoming Fusion

There is no greater energy than the power to create we possess within… it is self-sustained, constantly developing and pauses only...
Jun 16, 2020 All Articles - Economic Development - Economic Micro Zones - Smart Urban Planning

San Ysidro Port of Entry – The World’s Busiest Border Crossing

Many times, we have heard or read this statement that San Ysidro Port of Entry is the World´s busiest border crossing, maybe not, but it...
May 19, 2020 All Articles - Economic Development - Economic Micro Zones - Smart Urban Planning

Creative Districts and the San Ysidro – Tijuana Border

A Creative District is a defined geographic area, a place, where different creative communities interact, share ideas, and find mutual...
May 14, 2020 All Articles - Economic Development - Smart Urban Planning

Place Making as an Economic Development tool for San Ysidro.

Imagine a Google Campus in San Ysidro, with over 1000 software developers and engineers, most live within a walking distance, there are...
Jan 10, 2020 All Articles - Collective Impact - Fusion - Smart Urban Planning

San Diego – Tijuana Smart Border Coalition

The Smart Border Coalition (smartbordercoalition.com) is a hybrid binational, bilingual organization consisting of 25 members and hundreds...
Jan 10, 2020 All Articles - Economic Development

What the USMCA Could Mean for Small Businesses

While topics such as the labor content rule, the sunset clause and enforcement occupied much of the public debate during...